Friday 8 February 2013


22  JANUARY 2013:


Shy came running into the TV-room tonight and told me that her "drawing muscle" (sy het gesê haar "TEKEN SPIER") is coming out on her hips. She saw it in the mirror and that Jesus gave it to her ... Pieter and I looked at each other and could not understand what she's talking about!!!! I asked her: "What are you talking about? What is a 'drawing muscle'"? She said: "Let me show you"! as she picked up my foot and started drawing on my VEINS!!!!!!! She said: "SEE!!! Jesus drew on you"!!!!!

We burst out with laughter - it was so cute!!! 

I just hugged her to death and then I told her what it was and what it does. She just keeps on amazing me with her sincere innocence and her eye for detail!! She says it like she sees it ...

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