Thursday 18 April 2013


11 March 2013


We forgot to pick Shyenne up from school!!!! Shyenne is our number 1 priority and we always make our arrangements everyday around her and her schedule. We discussed the night before that if he is not in time from work, that I have to pick her up from school, but he will let me know in time. I was at work and he let me know that he's home and starting the laundry so long, so I looked on my watch and saw that he was early and usually he picks up Shyenne before he goes home, so I assumed that he had her with him ... In the meantime he was thinking ... We made the arrangements last night regarding Shyenne and assumed that it was final for me to pick her up and he decided to go home early and get a head start on everything, so by the time Shy and I got home - everything was done and we could have a nice evening together! 

I went to my parents where we all eat together everyday and it gives them time to spend with Shy, but they were not there yet, but it's all normal, because the 2 of them always come later than me with the laundry. The next minute he drove in and I immediately asked him where Shy is, because she like hiding in the car and then I have to play this whole hide and seek game until I find her, but he looked at me confused and said: "I thought she's with you". I told him not to joke with me on that, because you hear such sad and terrible stories everyday!! 

Then it hit us both ... WE FORGOT HER!! Without 1 second of breath we both start running for the cars, but he started screaming that I must stay - he will go! He picked her up just after fine, which is still great, because the school is not closed yet, but for us it was bad, because the latest we ever picked her up was 16:50 - after I leave work, so for us it was just horrible and so terrifying, because that's been the biggest fear for both of us! It was such a lesson for us both and we realized that our communication must be even stronger from now on regarding her! We can only thank God that she was safe and luckily nothing was late or that she was the only person left in the dark on a step, like you see in the movies, but still ... it could have been so much worse! 

So learn from our mistake and be EXTRA careful when it comes to the kids and their safety! We live in a very dangerous country and can not even afford to make one second of a mistake in our communication and whereabouts of our children! 

I have asked God to forgive us of what we did and believe me ... it haunts me everyday! We also asked Shy to forgive us and needless to say ... She gave us a piece of HER mind!!! She made us promise to come and pick her up even earlier everyday, so now we rush around like crazy to fulfill our promise (hie-hie-hie)!!! She deserves that!!

Tell me about your mistake and bad experience ...

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